Thursday, October 4, 2007

2. October 4, 2007

In your opinion what was Jesus most impressive miracle? Explain.


Anonymous said...

To me personally, Jesus' most impressive miracle was showing his power over death. Of the times that He raised people from the dead, one could argue that his resurrection is the most impressive display. Or when He called Lazarus forth after being dead for three days, but the one that stands out for me, is the miracle of Jairus' daughter. What I like most about this miracle is that Jesus gives us a glimpse of how he views death. To us death is the end of our life, the end of everything we love, its unknown and frightening. To Jesus, death is non of these things, He has all power over death, He shows this when he tells the people that she is not dead only sleeping. I find it interesting that the crowd laughs at Jesus, to them death is the end, there is nothing that can done, would I have laughed if I were in their place? When Jesus goes in to see the girl He says,"Talitha cumi;" which is Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.

Death so powerful to us, yet merely sleep to the one who holds all the power over it. When faced with that power death has no choice but to release whom it has taken.

David Stokely said...

Thinking this question, there is so much to choose from. . . to me the most impressive was Peter's walking on the water with Jesus.

Maybe it's not the flashiest thing He did. But for me that Jesus could do such an incredible thing through Peter, with the requirement that Peter's faith needed to stay strong for Jesus to do this miracle. I don't know . . . That just amazes me. And it was so very good and instructive to see the effect of Peter's faith slipping, then his immediately beginning to sink below the waves of the storm.

It really makes me hunger for a faith that God can use to its fullest. . . It really shows me that it's not God's power that is lacking, but my faith. . .

Jackie Lynn Stokely said...

The miracle of Jesus's birth taking on human flesh.....the miracle that continues to have rippling effects all through such a time as this and for eternity. Wow, thank you Jesus, for you, calling me for your kingdom!!

Anonymous said...

When he saved me out of my dark wretched life and filled me with the Holy Ghost!