Friday, October 5, 2007

3. October 5, 2007

If you had a few momemts with Eve before she ate of the forbidden fruit. What would you say to her?


Unknown said...

If I could have spoke to Eve before she did it, I would ask her how she would like to have a snake wrapped around her neck!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think I would ask her questions. What did she think of the garden? What was it like for her to walk with God in the cool of the day? I doubt I would or could change her mind on what happened. God knew what she was going to do and yet, because He wanted to show us how much He loves us He allowed her to sin. Ultimately this is the first case of what the devil means for harm, God will take and bring about His peace, His joy, His mercy and grace!

David Stokely said...

You don't know me dear and I don't know a lot about you, but it was on my heart to tell you about my life. I've done a few good things in my life and some not so few bad things. When I looked back from the perspective of years later, I can clearly see that the truely good things in my life all came from turning towards God and the bad things always resulted from my turning away from God.

At the time, I could find lots of reasons to justify my decision to turn away from God, but in the end the price I ended up paying was so hugely much higher than whatever little short term pleasure or benefit I gained. . . I am ashamed. . . I thought myself so smart. . . but I was a fool.

Keep these words in mind Dear. Your life will be filled with many many decisions. . .

Always turn toward Him and never away. You will have no regrets. . .

Jackie Lynn Stokely said...

Why would you want to jeopardize changing what you now have when you really do not know what to expect when you partake of the apple. Walking and talking with the almighty God as you now have.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Forbidden fruit creates many Jams!